Hello everyone.
I know it has been a long while since my last post. I really haven't had time to sketch out anything worth reading. Oh the college life, right?
I am currently in a course this semester that requires your help! That's right! It's your turn to write. Don't get freaked out too much. It only requires a sentence or two.
The project is entitled "Unsaid Words". I am collecting small little notes from all ages and compiling them into a blog, where I will respond to them. These notes can be small thank you notes to anyone. They can also be notes asking for encouragement or help. Maybe you want to get something off your chest? This is the time to do it.
I will take your notes as anonymous comments to this blog or on index cards, if you see me ask me for them (I always have them on me).
This project is to show people they are not alone in their fears or feelings and it is to generate a support group of sorts for the small things that build. We all know it is not healthy to keep things on our chests and this is your opportunity to get it out there.
Thanks for your support! I will have a link to the blog up soon!
To someone I once loved:
ReplyDelete"I think about you all the time. I wish things were different. I wish you'd return my calls. It's really over, isn't it? I miss you every day."
to an ex
ReplyDeleteEven though you've moved on and we dont even talk anymore, I still love you and will be here if you ever need anything.
To my best Friend, I am sorry for not being there for you when you needed me the most. Know that i love you, i cant lose my best friend. Please forgive me
ReplyDeleteTo a friend-
ReplyDeleteEven though I tell you were just friends and thats all I want from you... Deep down I think I'm falling for you and I can't stop.
To my best friend: You've saved my life more times then you'll ever know. Thank you and I love you.
ReplyDeleteTo someone I once loved:
ReplyDelete"You leaving me was actually the best thing that could have ever happened to me. Thank you and good luck to your next man."
To Someone I love:
ReplyDeleteI may have moved away and left you, but im still madly in love with you. Why can't I find the courage to tell you...i guess i'm too scared of being rejected...but i miss you so much..
To... my loved one:
ReplyDeleteThanks for sticking by me and staying true,
I can't express to you how much this means to me,
Or how much I love you!
To a friend and lover -
ReplyDeleteThank you. I may be losing you now, but I want you to know that I cherish all of the memories we made. If I seem mad, distraught, distant, it isn't your fault. It's mine. I've lost my closest friend and my love. Even so, I wish you the best. I know you can do anything. Good luck, my love.
To the man I still love,
ReplyDeleteYou hurt me more than anyone ever has. You made me change all that was me and made me hate myself for who I had become. You made me feel worthless, trashy, cheap and vulgar. Every imperfection pointed out. Every mistake my fault. And as much as I hurt then and as happy as I have been these past months with you gone entirely from my life...I would take you back in a second if you were to ask. And its that fact that both shames and scares me. How can I expect anyone else to understand if I can't understand why myself?
For future reference I hate you I can't stand you the way you handled this situation made me mad as hell. I'm sorry for wanting to share my feelings towards you and that you didn't feel the same way. However I wish that you could have grown a pair of balls and talked to me face to face that you weren't interested instead of telling our friends to tell me instead. I wish you could be more mature about this whole situation that happened. Even though we have moved on and are friends now its never going to be the same because no matter how hard I try for things to get back to where they were you do something stupid and ruin it for both of us and I just end up getting more mad. Sometimes I wonder if telling you was or wasn't a good idea....
ReplyDeleteYou loved me more than I ever loved you and now that your gone I don't miss you all that much. Sure, it was odd to begin with but with every passing day I think about you less and less. I didn't think I'd ever be the person that I have been in this situation and I worry that I've always been that person.