The setting/genre of this piece is called steampunk. For those who know what steampunk is, feel free to skip down! I, however, will include some photographs and media goodies!
Steampunk is defined as an age where humans pursued the use of steam power. It is normally set in a Victorian era and contains elements of fantasy and futuristic technology. Essentially, you get the rustic beauty of the Victorian era with a metallic and futuristic set technology.
If you aren't interested yet, please look at the following:
Or how about this-
That's right. This genre and style of writing has spread to art forms and music. It is sweeping the creative world. The first photograph shows the length that people can go with this idea. The costuming alone is so detailed and fantastic that it is a complete work of art, as well as the photography that followed.
The last two pictures are thanks to the band Abney Park. They started as a mild gothic band and finally found their style in steampunk music. They've gone so far as to make a full act with their concerts. It is like watching and participating in a show.
Look it up! I love steampunk. You've probably seen many movies using steampunk. "Wild Wild West" with Will Smith, "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" with Sean Connery, "Van Helsing" with Hugh Jackman, etc.
I am going to post by story now and I hope that you can find it interesting rather than cheesy.
1. In Which the White Rabbit is Late
“White Rabbit, this is Mad Hat. I repeat, White Rabbit, this is Mad Hat- Do you read?”
The connection link was always bad on days like this. It was always splotchy and ill patched when the rains were coming in. Today was especially difficult considering how much air traffic was flowing through. Lyle groped in the darkness for the transmitter, his fingers fumbling over the odds and ends of his make-shift night stand. It had been a long night of flying and all he needed was a few hours of rest.
He sat up on the cot and listened as his back cracked all the way up to his shoulders. He felt stiff and grimy from a day in the air and he still had three days left to go. The pit smelled of stale oil and burnt out coal. The steam from the engines gave everything a muggy feel and a sulfuric taste. He coughed into his hand and then spat directly on the ground. It wasn’t shocking to note his saliva was a rusted brown color.